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800 S. Francisco St.
Mission, TX

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Ride Reviews

Enchanted Rock State Park

Ricardo Perez

On Top of Enchanted Rock With View of Ranch Road 965 Headed North

I believe, Enchanted Rock State Park is the world's second largest pink granite rock and it's a great place for a day trip or for an overnight camping. The park is only 18 miles north of Fredericksburg on Ranch Road 965 (Latitude N:  30° 29' 45.45" Longitude W:  98° 49' 11.53"). Rumor has it that a lot of bikers miss the park entirely after having a few German Brews in Fredericksburg as some riders, not saying who, tend to stay on Hwy 16 and miss the park. Both Hwy 16 and Ranch Road 965 head North out of Fredericksburg and are only four blocks from each other so it's a common mistake. 
There's no mistaking the rock from a distance as it stands out in the Texas Hill Country. It's over 400 feet tall and at the top the elevation is over 1,800 feet. It takes about 45 minutes to hike up to the top, but it can be done much faster depending what shape you're in. From the base of the rock it doesn't look that big until you see hikers at the top looking more like ants. 
Enchanted Rock became a State Park in the 1980's so not too many people realize what a great site it is. Of course, on weekends when traffic is heavy, especially with riders, the Park Rangers will close-off access to the park so if you're riding up there on a beautiful spring day then you should plan to get there by 10am or better.

Tomas and the healing powers of Enchanted Rock
By legend, Indians believed that the rock possesses special spiritual powers as the rock "speaks" which is a natural sound of the rock expanding with the day's heat and contracting with the night's cool air. We tended to believe the Indian legend and laid at the top center point of the rock, it's marked by a US Geological Survey marker. 
Paladin Back Rest- Various Motorcycle Models - NC-P9800A (Google Affiliate Ad)I'd recommend it to anybody riding out in that area just take some good hiking boots or comfortable riding boots. Camping is good, but it can get a little crowded depending on what time of year you plan your camping outing. We've camped there before and we've stayed in Fredericksburg which makes for a good home base for a weekend of riding. Try the Old San Antonio Road also known as "Old No. 9" for a great ride, it's off of Hwy 290 as you head East out of town. It's the old highway between Fredericksburg and San Antonio which will intersect with Hwy 473 which heads into Sisterdale. Sisterdale Road heads South to Bourne. 

That's Tomas about to get lost for a couple of hours!

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