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PIAA Slender Horn

Ricardo Perez

PIAA Slender Horn
I purchased the PIAA Slender Horn to replace my stock horns on my 1979 BMW R100RT. They're a simple replacement with two leads, one being for a ground wire to the chassis.

Here's what PIAA says about this horn:  The “Slender Horn” represents a lightweight horn that is the world’s thinnest spiral horn. It is a new horn with the world’s thinnest body in the popular “400Hz / 500Hz” bass range.

Stock Horn
The stock horn on my '79 BMW RT is attached to the frame by a flat metal blade and using a size 13mm nut and bolt which is easily removed. The tab on the PIAA horn places the horn at a different orientation, more downward direction than forward. The instructions make it clear not to remove the attachment tab on the PIAA horn because it's vital to the vibration which produces the "honk" so I didn't mess with that tab.

The horn is much louder than my stock horns, but they're also new. It's a simple install and a neat upgrade.

Stock Horn

PIAA Horn Installed: Much Smaller than Original

Leads with Ground Lead