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800 S. Francisco St.
Mission, TX

Our website is all about motorcycles, especially BMW cycles. We cover rides in the Southwest and Mexico, motorcycle modifications and review motorcycle products. 


1979 BMW R100RT Motorcycle Video

Ricardo Perez

Okay, here's a short video of our first day's work on the bike!

Well it's day two with the Beemer. Today we replaced the float and needle valve on the left side; replaced all the fuel lines; installed a new clutch cable; replaced saddle with one I picked up for $75; replaced some old 50 watt driving lights with my Hella DE Xenon HID Micro Lights; inflated the tires to proper levels; emptied gas tank and replaced it with new gasoline; installed my Garmin Zumo 550 brackets and cradle; installed a battery charger pig tail; and did a ten mile test run. Brick by brick it'll come together. It's already running great considering how it was running on Wednesday when I purchased it. More to come later!