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800 S. Francisco St.
Mission, TX

Our website is all about motorcycles, especially BMW cycles. We cover rides in the Southwest and Mexico, motorcycle modifications and review motorcycle products. 


Victoria, Texas & Aunt Jo's BBQ

Ricardo Perez

Aunt Jo's BBQ
 Here's another BBQ place that's worth a stop if you're riding anywhere near Victoria, Texas.
Just South of Victoria on highway 77/59 as you speed North at 75mpg you may want to hit the brakes, hard, and make a quick turn into Aunt Jo's BBQ. It a welcome site where you can sit outside and enjoy good BBQed brisket, chicken, or pork. Aunt Jo's BBQ Urban Spoon Review  There's lot's of shady spots to relax and enjoy BBQ either on the plate or in a sandwich.
If you're hungry as you make your way to or from Houston you may want to give it a try just be careful trying to make that turn or crossing the highway.

Aunt Jo's

"When meat is cooked at high temperatures, amino acids react with creatine to form heterocyclic amines, which are thought to cause cancer." (from Harvard Health Letter - June 2007)

So which is worse, living to an old age or never having BBQ? You know my choice.
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